Wait 30 seconds and power up again.ģ) Switch the PC off at the mains or pull the power cord out and wait at least 3 minutes before powering up.Ĥ) Try another mouse and/or keyboard and repeat step 1.ĥ) When the PC starts to power up, try and get into the BIOS by holding down the “del”, “Esc” or “F1” button (the specific button for entering the BIOS differs between PC’s …. If this does not work try each of the following in order.Ģ) Press the power button in for at least 30 seconds until the PC powers off. So having determined that the PC is stuck in sleep mode, here are a number of things to try… plus the FIX that finally worked for us.ġ) Move you mouse or hit the “spacebar”. If you do not hear any fan noise or see any buttons light up or your computer produces 1 or more beeps, you may have a hardware issue (something internally has broken) such as a faulty power supply, faulty memory or faulty motherboard.
If your computer is stuck in Sleep-Mode you should be able to hear the computer fan, see the power light on or blink but your computer monitor will remain blank.
Has your Windows 7 computer ever gone (or been put into) Sleep Mode and you’ve been unable to wake it up no matter what you did?įrom all the posts I see on this subject it’s a common problem amongst Windows 7 users.ĩ9% of the posts I read tell you how to “avoid” this problem happening but very few talked about How to Fix the problem.įirstly, how do we know that the PC is stuck in sleep mode?